Alisubmission@auaj.amouduniversity.orgOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Dear authors, readers, scholars, and colleagues. I welcome you to our journal, The Amoud University Academic Journal (AUAJ). This journal has been created to provide a space for generation and sharing of knowledge among an international community of practitioners and scholars. Ours is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary, open access international journal that publishes original and high-quality research articles, review articles, short communications, and case studies from a wide range of academicians, covering a wide range of topics on issues which impact national and global scientific research scholars. We believe that through the online mode, the immediacy of e-based publication will make it possible for us all to be fully connected to each other and to developments in all fields.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Our journal does not levy publication or processing fees on authors. The only condition for publication in the AUAJ is quality. We look for in-depth, well-rounded articles of high scientific quality and impact from academics, scholars, advanced students, and reflective practitioners in all fields. We welcome you to join us as authors, reviewers, readers or as critiques of any aspect of our journal. I thank authors and the audience who have chosen the AUAJ for academic exchanges. We are open to your feedback on what we are doing well, and what we can do better. We look forward to serving you and encourage you to join the AUAJ community.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The aims of AUAJ are:</p> <ol> <li class="show" style="text-align: justify;">To contribute to the enhancement of research studies;</li> <li class="show" style="text-align: justify;">To be a recognized forum attracting author(s) and audience from across academic disciplines. Hence, AUAJ shall allow free access to its content to attract more readers and citation to articles published in the journal.</li> <li class="show" style="text-align: justify;">To provide an avenue for researchers and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest findings and share information of international-level across disciplines.</li> </ol> Survey of Livelihoods Activities of Households in Shirwac Village, Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:33+00:00Mohamed<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the major livelihoods activities of households in Shirwac village, Borama district. The household livelihoods activities in Somaliland have not been surveyed and are not documented. Guided by the Theory of Sustainable Livelihood and using a cross- sectional survey design, this study determined the household livelihood activities in Somaliland, by taking the case of household activities in Shirwac village. The study specifically investigated the general types of, and the major household livelihoods activities. A random sample of 66 households in Shirwac village was surveyed using questionnaire and observation methods in July-August 2018, and analyzed using chi-square test of goodness fit. The study found that most households use livestock and crop farming, daily labours, selling firewood and petty trade different livelihood activities. But the major ones are livestock rearing and crop production. The study concludes that the livelihoods activities of households in Shirwac village generally depend on livestock rearing and crop production. The study recommends that the Ministries of Agriculture, Rural Development and other nongovernmental organizations to create village focused household income generation projects to empower the household activities. The government of Somaliland through ministry of agriculture, ministry of livestock and ministry of rural development should carry out regular surveys of household livelihood activities.</p> </div>2019-11-02T16:30:48+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Learning Experiences in Secondary Schools in Hargeisa District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:34+00:00Tawakal A.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study examined the status of learning experiences in secondary schools in Hargeisa district, Somaliland. It was brought by the fact that the learning experiences in schools in Somaliland had been largely described as not result-oriented but without any empirical evidence. But there were significant pointers to inadequate educational planning. For Example, overall teacher effectiveness was rated at just 22.61%. Yet teachers are the architects of learning experience planning. Specifically, the study assessed the status of fitness, the status of satisfaction and the status of respect for learners of the learning experiences used in the schools. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design on a stratified sample of 161 teachers in 28 schools. The study found a lack of fitness learning experiences, [<em>χ<sup>2</sup> </em>(4, <em>N</em> = 161) = 10.571, <em>p</em> = .005], a lack of satisfaction of learning experiences, [<em>χ<sup>2</sup> </em>(4, <em>N</em> = 161) = 19.143, <em>p</em> = .000] and a lack of respect for learners of the learning experiences, [<em>χ<sup>2</sup> </em>(<em>N</em> = 28) = 47.714, <em>p</em> = .000] used in schools. The study concludes that learning experiences used in secondary schools in Hargeisa district are poor. The study recommends that the MoES develop policy guidelines for learning experiences that are effective and suitable for teaching knowledge, skills and attitude for various subjects and topics at all levels. Every unit should have preferred methods described by MoES.</p> </div>2019-11-02T16:43:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Adherence on Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Diabetic Patients in Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:34+00:00Ayan A<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the effectiveness of adherence to the management of type 2 diabetes among diabetic patients in Borama district. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease associated with abnormally high levels of the sugar glucose in the blood. The problem of the study was the high prevalence of diabetes in Borama district. The study was adopted an expost facto research design on a random sample of 190 types 2 diabetic patients on a self-care strategy program. Data was collected using questionnaire and document analysis methods in March 2019 and analyzed using the odds-ratio technique. The study found a significant difference in the proportion of diabetic patients in Borama district who adhere and those who do not adhere to treatment, <em>χ<sup>2 </sup></em>(1, <em>N</em> = 190) = 68.841, <em>p = .</em>000; and a significant difference in the proportion of diabetic patients with controlled and uncontrolled type 2 diabetes among diabetic patients in Borama district,<em> χ<sup>2 </sup></em>(1, <em>N</em> = 190) = 66.021, <em>p = .</em>000. The study also found there is a significant difference in the log of odds of management of diabetes among diabetic patients who adhere and those who do not, <em>-2LL </em>(1) = 96.606, <em>p = .</em>000. The study concludes that adherence is effective for the management of type 2 diabetes among diabetic patients in Borama district, Somaliland. The study recommends that the Ministry of Health Development of Somaliland mount a health awareness campaign program to encourage the practice of adherence among diabetic patients.</p> </div>2019-11-02T16:50:55+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ and Status of Peptic Ulcer among Peptic Ulcer Patients in Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:35+00:00Bureeqa I.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the lifestyle and status of peptic ulcer among peptic ulcer patients in Borama district. Lifestyle is the behavioral orientations of an individual or a group. A peptic ulcer is a painful sore in the lining of the stomach, the first part of the small intestine. The problem of this study was the increasing status of peptic ulcer among peptic ulcer patients in Borama district. In Borama district, peptic ulcer related deaths increased by 47.28% between 2015-2018; an increase of 11.82% per year. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design, on a random sample of 204 peptic ulcer patients in hospitals in Borama district. The study found that lifestyle factors [χ<sup>2 </sup>(2, <em>N</em> = 204) = 18.578, <em>p </em>= .018); and the status of the peptic ulcer [χ<sup>2 </sup>(2, <em>N </em>= 204) = 58.353, <em>p </em>= .000] are significantly different among peptic ulcer patients in Borama district. Status of peptic ulcer also significantly dependent on lifestyle of peptic ulcer patients in Borama district, χ<sup>2</sup> (1, <em>N </em>= 204) = 22.441, <em>p</em> = .000. The study concludes that the status of peptic ulcers is dependent on lifestyle, and smoking, diet and weight influence the status of peptic ulcers. The study recommends that the Ministry Health Development of Somaliland should mounts and promote aggressive health education and awareness campaigns on lifestyle modification at grassroots to help reduce the development of peptic ulcer related complications.</p> </div>2019-11-02T17:01:33+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ and Malnutrition among Children under 59 Months Old in Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:36+00:00Harun I.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated income and malnutrition among under 59 months old children in Borama district, Somaliland. Malnutrition is a lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one eats. Malnutrition accounts for 15% of all child death in the country and 1.78% of all child deaths in Borama district. While statistics indicate high and increasing prevalence of malnutrition in Borama district, the influence of income has not been empirically investigated. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey, on a sample of 322 children. Data was collected using questionnaire and document analysis in February of 2018. The study found that income [χ<sup>2</sup> (2, <em>N</em> = 322) = 360.9, <em>p</em> = .000] and malnutrition [χ<sup>2</sup> (1, <em>N</em> = 322) = 89.75, <em>p</em> = .000] are significantly different among households with under 59 months old children. But malnutrition is not significantly dependent on income of households with under 59 months old children, χ<sup>2</sup> (1, <em>N</em> = 322) = 1.582, <em>p</em> = .812. The study concludes that income is not the major determinant of malnutrition among under 59 months old children in Borama district. The study recommends that Ministry of Health and Ministry of Family Affairs in Somaliland make special arrangements to provide all under 59 months old children with free nutritional supplements.</p> </div>2019-11-02T17:08:55+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Personal Factors on Case Management of Preeclampsia among Expectant Mothers attending Health Facilities in Borama Town, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:36+00:00Sainab H.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the influence of personal factors on case management of preeclampsia among expectant mothers in Borama, Somaliland. Preeclampsia is the onset of fits in a woman whose pregnancy is complicated by eclampsia, usually, after 20 weeks gestation, in labor, or during the first 48 hours of the postpartum period. The problem of the study was the high prevalence of preeclampsia among expectant mothers in Borama. The specific objectives were to assess the status of personal factors, assess case management of preeclampsia, and influence of personal factors on case management of preeclampsia. The study was a cross-sectional survey, on a random sample of 159 expectant mothers in Hospitals in Borama, in March 2018. Expectant mothers were found to generally have poor personal factors, <em>χ<sup>2</sup></em> (2, <em>N </em>= 159) = 123.321, <em>p</em> = .000. Expectant mothers with good personal factors had better case management of preeclampsia, than expectant mothers with poor personal factors, <em>F</em> (2, 156) = 6.859, <em>p</em> = .010, <em>I-J</em> = 13.423, <em>p</em> = .035. The personal factors is a significant predictor of case management of preeclampsia, <em>F</em> (1, 157) = 3.691, <em>p </em>= .027. Good personal factors is significant in the model, <em>t<sub>1 </sub></em>(157) = 2.292, <em>p </em>= .023. The study concludes that personal factors have a significant influence on the case management of preeclampsia. The study recommends that the Ministry of Health Development should create awareness campaigns at the grassroots to inform and educate expectant mothers and women in general, on appropriate lifestyles to keep, to avoid developing preeclampsia.</p> </div>2019-11-02T17:14:12+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of In-Service Teacher Education on Class Management in Public Secondary Schools in Hargeisa District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:37+00:00Abdirahman M.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the effect of in-service teacher education on class management of teachers in public secondary schools in Hargeisa district. The problem of the study was poor class management of teachers in public secondary schools in Hargeisa. About 53.8% of the teachers had poor class management skills, yet over 63.7% of all teachers had attended in-service teacher education. The study determined the variation in class management with in-service teacher education and the effect of in-service teacher education on class management. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design on a sample of 196 teachers with 95 teachers who had taken in-service teacher education and 56 who had not. The study found that in-service teacher education affects the class management of teachers in public secondary schools. The study recommends that the MoES should carry out a comprehensive evaluation of its in-service teacher education programs to determine the mismatch between the high turnover (63.7%) and low performance, 3.07%.</p> </div>2019-11-02T17:20:28+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Compensation on Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Secondary Schools in Hargeisa District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:37+00:00Robleh H.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the effect of compensation on job satisfaction of teachers in secondary schools in Hargeisa district, Somaliland. Compensation was measured from basic salary, fringe benefits; and teacher satisfaction was measured from recognition, achievement, promotional opportunities and the work itself. The problem of the study was that at least 15.1% of teachers leave the service each year which is the sign of no satisfaction. The study was a cross-sectional survey design, on a stratified random sample of 217 teachers, from 31 secondary schools. The study found that compensation had a significant effect on job satisfaction of teachers, compensation, [F (2, 153) = 9.885, p = .000, accounts for 13.0% of the variance in teacher satisfaction = .13, p = .000. The study concludes that compensation has a significant effect on the job satisfaction of teachers. The researcher recommends that the Ministry of Education and Science develop clear policies on compensation for all teachers at all levels of education. The scheme should clearly define the basic salary, fringe benefits and the whole salary structure for schools to acquire qualified teachers and retain the experienced ones is also crucial and adequate reward them.</p> </div>2019-11-02T17:28:03+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ Action Research on Potentials and Constraints for Enhanced Food Security and Climate Resilience in the Dry Lands of Somaliland. A Case of Garab-cad and Caro-Malko Villages, Gabiley Region2019-11-02T19:58:38+00:00Mohamed H.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the potentials and constraints for enhanced food security and climate resilience in the drylands of Somaliland by taking the case of Garab-Cad and Caro-Malko villages, Gabiley region. The aim of the PD was to generate community-driven information on agriculture, livestock and environmental priority needs of the selected villages. The problem of the study was persistent food insecurity in Somaliland in general and in this potentially agricultural rich region of Somaliland. The study adopted participatory diagnosis approaches and methodologies with targeted 30 beneficiaries, to facilitate the capture of the perspectives of farmers and to provide scope for all involved to learn from each other and stimulate self-propelled initiatives. The study found that farmers generally lack knowledge of post-harvest technologies and storage; they need new agricultural crops besides the food staples; training on the use of soil and water conservation; as well as training several aspects of farming. The study recommends training on climate-smart and sustainable agriculture practices; improving the capacity of key actors in agriculture and the potential of service providers and other stakeholders; and improving farmer's capacity for efficient use locally available resources in the local agro-ecology, among other recommendations.</p> </div>2019-11-02T17:37:02+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Proteins Intake of Expectant Mothers on Health of Newborns at Hargeisa Group Hospital, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:38+00:00Bilan A.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the protein intake of expectant mothers and newborn health at HGH. The problem of this study was poor newborn health at HGH. The newborn death rate is 11.84% per month, with a 1.36 percentage points increase per month. The study determined the health of newborns, the average proteins intake of expectant mothers; and the influence of proteins intake of expectant mothers on newborn health, using an ex-post facto design, on a convenient sample of 70 mothers and their newborns. Newborn health was measured from birth weight, head circumference and gestational age; and proteins intake from meat and dairy products, and legumes intake. A majority of mothers (54.3%) had low protein intake, χ<sup>2 </sup>(<em>N</em> = 70, 1) = .514, <em>p </em>=.473, and a majority newborns (52.9%) had poor health, χ<sup>2 </sup>(<em>N</em> = 70, 1) = .229, <em>p</em> = .633. The ratio of good newborn health (93.9%) and the odds of good newborn health is significantly higher among expectant mothers on high protein intake, <em>OR</em> = 558.000, χ<sup>2 </sup>(1, <em>N</em> = 70) = 58.508, <em>p = .</em>000. The log odds good newborn health is significantly higher among expectant mothers on high protein intake, <em>-2LL</em> (1) <em>= </em>24.570, <em>p = .</em>000. High proteins intake is significant in the model, <em>W</em> (1) = 25.639, <em>p </em>= .000. Proteins intake of expectant mothers has a significant influence on newborn health and accounts for 85.9% of the variance health of newborns. The MoHD should register all expectant mothers and provide them with routine protein supplements at designated points in time.</p> </div>2019-11-02T19:04:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Recruitment Procedure on Performance of Academic Staff of Amoud University, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:39+00:00Jibril A.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This study investigated the influence of recruitment procedure on the performance of the academic staff of Amoud University. Recruitment procedure was measured from sourcing and screening; and performance of academic staff was measured from teaching, research, publication and community service. The problem of the study was the low performance of the academic staff of Amoud University. Between 2012 – 2018, only 9% of the academic staff produced research papers and viable research reports; while only 13% of the staff were members of national technical committees. The study was a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 112 academic staff of Amoud University in June 2019. The study found that recruitment procedures are poor; only 8% of the staff were properly recruited. The performance of academic staff was generally low at an average of 12%. Only 12% of the staff produced good performance in all measures of aspects functions. Recruitment is a significant predictor of performance of academic staff of Amoud University, F (2, 110) = 34.238, p = .000, and accounts 37.5% of the variance in performance of academic staff. A recruitment procedure has a significant influence on the performance of staff. Amoud University and other Universities should formulate and implement proper recruitment procedures to guide the hiring of academic staff in all Universities.</p> </div>2019-11-02T19:12:58+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ Status of Street Children in Jijga-yer Sub-District, Hargeisa-Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:40+00:00Hamda H. Yousuf<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the nutritional status of street children in the Jijga-yer sub-district, Hargeisa. A street child is any boy or girl under the age of 15 years who lives in the street as an abode and source of the livelihood. Nutritional status is the condition of a person’s health in relation to food intake and utilization of nutrients. The problem of the study was the prevalence of malnutrition among children, In July to October 2018, 17.72% of children were malnourished, which is an increase of 4.43% per month. Specifically, the study investigated the status of stunting, status of underweight and the status thinness among street children, using cross-sectional survey research design, on a convenient sample of 230 street children. The study found that there are significantly more normal than stunted street children, [χ<sup>2</sup> (3, <em>N</em> = 230) = 237.583, <em>p </em>= .000]; more normal than underweight street, [χ<sup>2</sup> (3, <em>N</em> = 230) = 150.348, <em>p </em>= .000]; and there are significantly more normal than street children in Jijga-yer, χ<sup>2</sup> (3, <em>N</em> = 201) = 56.532, <em>p </em>= .000. The study concludes that street children in Jijga-yer sub-district, Hargeisa are normal and had good nutritional status. The researcher recommends that the Ministry of Health Development provide a healthy feeding program to street children to ensure they develop appropriate weight.</p> </div>2019-11-02T19:22:40+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Teacher Empowerment on Quality of Education in Secondary Schools in Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:40+00:00Heban M.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the effect of teacher empowerment on the quality of education in secondary schools in Borama district, Somaliland. Teacher empowerment was measured from autonomy and promotion; and quality of education from teacher characteristics, teaching methods, learning environment, and learner readiness. The problem of the study was the low quality of education in Somaliland. In Borama, only 51.4% of teachers are qualified; the teacher-student ratio is 55.4% and the student-classroom ratio is 55.3%. Less than 40% of students engage in active learning. The study specifically determined the effect of autonomy and promotion on quality of education, based on a cross-sectional survey of a stratified sample of 132 teachers in 16 secondary schools. Teacher promotion has a significant lone effect on quality of education, <em>F</em> (2, 13) = 5.113, <em>p = </em>.023, = .263, but teacher autonomy, [<em>F</em> (2, 13) = 2.424, <em>p = </em>.127] does not have significant lone effect on quality of education. Teacher autonomy and teacher promotion have a significant interaction effect, <em>F</em> (1, 15) = 5.000, <em>p </em>= .041, = .250. Hence, teacher empowerment has a significant effect on the quality of education in secondary schools in Borama district. The MoES should re-evaluate its teacher autonomy policy and practices to eliminate the aspects of the policy that make a negative contribution to the quality of education. It should also develop means of promoting teachers to empower them.</p> </div>2019-11-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Transformational Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction of Employees of Somtel Telecommunications Company, Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:41+00:00Raqiya I. Elmi<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the influence of transformational leadership style on job satisfaction of employees of Somtel Telecommunication Company, Borama district. Transformational leaders are those who push employees to go beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group. Job satisfaction is how employees feel towards their jobs. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of transformational leadership style on a random simple. The study used a cross-sectional survey on a random sample of 52 employees of Somtel Telecommunication Company, in May 2019. The study found that low transformational leadership style, [<em>t</em> (49) = 2.345, <em>p</em> = .018] and high transformational leadership style, [<em>t</em> (49) = - 2.317, <em>p</em> = .007)] are significant predictors of job satisfaction in the model. Transformational leadership style is a significant predictor of job satisfaction, [<em>F</em> (1, 50) = 8.412, <em>p </em>= .032].The study concludes that the transformational leadership style has a significant influence on job satisfaction of employees and accounts for 60.8% of the variance in job satisfaction, R² adj. = .608, p = .032. The researcher recommends that the managers of Somtel Telecommunications Company be provided with refresher courses on the inspiration, value system and commitment.</p> </div>2019-11-02T19:42:52+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Non-Financial Compensation on Performance of Employees of Shaba Water Company in Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:42+00:00Salma H. Ibrahim<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the effect of non-financial compensation on the performance of employees of Shaba Water Company in Borama district. Non-financial compensation is non-monetary or non-cash rewards given to employees for services rendered to an organization. Performance is the completion of actions with the skills and the outcome contributing to the achievement of organizational goals. The problem of the study was the low performance of employees of Shaba Water Company. Productivity declined by 0.4% in the 2015-2017 period. The study specifically determined the level of non-financial compensation, the average performance of employees and the effect of non-financial compensation on the performance of employees. The study was a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 63 employees of Shaba Water Company. The study found that employees generally received high non-financial compensation, with an average performance of 55.83%, S = 16.65. The study found a significant difference in the performance of employees who receive high and those who receive low non-financial compensation, t (58) = 2.74, <em>p = </em>.008, ω<sup>2</sup> = .097. Non-financial compensation has a significant effect on the performance of employees and contributes 9.7% of the employee performance. Shaba Water Company should develop and maintain a regular system and methods of training employees, regulation of employee’s efforts and a means of promotion of employees once specific standards are met.</p> </div>2019-11-02T19:50:16+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ of Principal Related Factors on Integration of Information Communication Technology in the Management of Secondary Schools in Borama District, Somaliland2019-11-02T19:58:42+00:00Idil M.<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>The study investigated the influencing of principal related factors on the integration of ICT in the management of the secondary school in Borama district. ICT has not been fully integrated into school management in the developing world and several factors have been suggested as preventing the integration. ICT use in education in secondary schools in Borama district has focused mainly on learning rather than on management. Only 20% of the schools have at least a computer and only 20% of the schools use the computer for keeping student records. The study was a cross-sectional survey of random of 148 teachers in 15 secondary schools in Borama town. ICT integration was measured for utility, computability, and flexibility. Principal related factors were measured for leadership in ICT, training in ICT and education level in ICT. There was a significant regression of ICT integration on principal related factors, <em>F</em> (2, 11) = 12.838, <em>p</em> = .036. Good principal related factors are significant in the model, <em>t</em> (13) = 2.365, <em>p</em> = .022. But poor principal related factors are not, <em>t</em> (13) = 0.623, <em>p = .</em>536<em>. </em>The prediction model, INT¹ = 66.310 + 11.519PRF<sub>3</sub> + ɛ, is 30.8% fit, R² adj. = .308, <em>p</em> = .036. Therefore, principal related factors have significant influence on ICT integration in secondary school management in Borama district. Principals should be taken through refresher courses to build their leadership, ICT skills, and overall education level.</p> </div>2019-11-02T19:57:40+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 AUAJ